

So now I will talk to you about the Dunning-Kruger-effect. I have been working in the wood chipping industry for quite some time now, and learned a thing or two, so now I want to share this precious knowledge with you all, because I’m such a nice guy. The Dunning-Kruger-effect is when you are chipping wood and then all of a sudden you feel a big blow on your head, then everything gets dark. When you wake up you are traveling at twice the light speed around our precious flat earth, while hammer-headed UFOs are taking your blood and brain matter, and analyzing it in a big and shiny machine. Then they say they got news for you, and one of them touches your hand, smiling. Your body evaporates in that very moment, and the aliens are looking at each other sadly. All they wanted to say was that you are a very interesting person, and god bless you. But sadly the molecular difference between your bodies did not allow this.

Trust me on this, all of us highly intelligent human beings went through all of this, so no need to panic. After everything is done your mind will open up and you will know that Charles Bukowski was the worst writer in the written history and that life has a point after all. You will be able to kindly express your thoughts about anything to anyone worthy enough to hear your wise words. This whole astounding transformation is also known as: